Autumn Sports

As the days grow shorter and winter draws ever closer, the autumnal sports season is in full swing with events taking place throughout the weekday evenings and across the dew covered weekend mornings.
In school we have enjoyed some excellent results in a variety of sports, with our football and netball leagues underway and the first Cross-Country event of the year under our belts. However, we have been equally proud reading about many South Farnham children’s sporting successes outside of school.
The U11 Farnham Jaguars rugby team including Ollie, Oliver, Sam and George from Year 6 flourished at a recent festival involving more than 1,000 other children chalking up their first wins for the season. Furthermore, the Farnham U11 Black Caps Cricket squad secured an outstanding league and cup treble; performing brilliantly under pressure and eventually winning their final game of the season by 1 solitary run to write their names in the history books, congratulations to past students Ollie, Nico and Joshua.
A huge well done to all South Farnham children playing sport outside of school and please continue to tell us about all your achievements so we can recognise your wonderful accomplishments on our website and Twitter accounts.