Before & After School Care
We are delighted to be able to offer parents and guardians high quality wrap around child care for the children attending at South Farnham School at both the Infant and Junior sites.
Breakfast Buddies. This Before School Facility looks after children who attend South Farnham Infant or Junior Sites each school day. The children will provided with breakfast (typically cereal, toast, a drink and fruit.) At 8.15 children at the Junior site will be taken to the playground for supervised play. Infant children will be supervised indoors.
After School Care. To help parents who are unable to collect their children from the Infant site at 3.15pm or the Junior site at 3.30pm, we operate an After-School Care Facility.
Children are cared for by responsible adults between 3.15pm and 6.00pm at the Infants and 3.30pm until 6pm at the Juniors thus relieving parents of the need to find child minders etc.
Booking and payment must be made in advance. Please see the attachment below for more details including cost.