Facilities For Hire
South Farnham School is situated just over a mile from Farnham Town Centre and is within walking distance of Farnham Station.
The school is situated on a 7 acres site and is able to offer a high standard of superb facilities for hire at competitive prices for a range of activities.
Parking is available on site outside normal school hours.
Main Building
- Large Hall (can seat up to 250). A screen and a sound system are available for lectures and presentations.
- Two Dance Studios with sprung flooring and mirrored walls.
- Large studio offers excellent conference facilities.
- Professional Development Centre (suitable for small groups)
- Classrooms (varying sizes)
- IT Suite
- Music Room and Practice Rooms
Sports Facilities
- Traditional Gymnasium
For further information about costs and booking facilities please contact the school office by email: info@south-farnham.surrey.sch.uk or by telephone: 01252 716155.